Opal Beads & Pendant Earring Stones

Australian Yowah Koroit Picture Opal Bead Pendant
Opal bead Pendant
Cut and polished opal beads suitable for making into pendants, necklaces or earrings. Also ready made pendants and earrings using opal beads OR opals that have glued on bails.
Yowah Koroit Boulder and white opals that have been drilled to form stones for pendants, bracelets or beads.

Tiny Matrix Boulder Opal Pendant

Boulder opal with Sterling Silver Bail

Boulder Opal Bead Pendant

Blue and pale blue Queensland boulder opal
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    Australian Boulder Opal Pendant SOLD

    Blue purple opal over ironstone
  • Boulder Opal Pendant

    Pretty blue opal over ironstone.
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