Mum decides it’s time for bed
There’s nothing you can do,
Even if you stay real calm and try to talk it through;
She acts like she’s the boss of stuff,
Thinks she runs the show,
Doesn’t listen, doesn’t care that you don’t want to go.
You ask her for a story
And she mutters to herself
As she goes and finds the thinnest book that’s stacked upon the shelf.
You say you really need a drink,
She says you’ll wet the bed,
Reminds you if you don’t hush soon.... you’re quiet if you’re dead!
If you decide you’re hungry
Her answer to your plea:
“You should have had your vegies when I served them up for tea!”
And if you say your tummy hurts,
And need your Mum to stay,
She gives a look that curls your toes before she goes away.
Sis and I, we play this game
To see how many times
Mum will keep her patience as again the stairs she climbs;
The signal that it’s over
And it’s time we should beware
Is when we hear it’s Dad whose feet are pounding up the stairs.
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